Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Musical Insight

I'm taking a page out of the Les & Nic playbook to share some musical insight to those willing to listen. I've been expanding my music collection lately and iTunes has been my primary source for downloading.

You may not believe me but I recently stole music off of iTunes. Well, I didn't actually steal it, but it felt illegal to pay only $16.99 for 38 of Michael Jackson's hits on The Essential. The Essential contains many of MJ's hits including tracks from the Jackson 5, the Jackson's and his many solo albums. It's no surprise that this album is currently #1 on the top albums list on iTunes.

While I can't single out my favorite all-time MJ song, I can leave you with the song i've been jamming to most recently...(warning: this is just the music, he never made a video for this song)

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