Monday, April 13, 2009

Here's to Low Expectations

About 6 months ago my buddy Dan and I thought it would be a good idea, check that, a great idea to start our own website. Not knowing exactly what our site would be, we decided to brainstorm a little about what we could do with our own site: vintage t-shirts, social networking, college review site, ins and outs of marine biology, etc. Needless to say, nothing brilliant came to mind.

So for now this blog will simply be a way of posting things that may or may not seem interesting. One of our mutual strengths is the amount of time we spend online. Both at work and in our personal lives (I'm rarely seen without my MacBook Pro at my side). So a lot of what you'll see on is discussion of recent posts on other blogs or some random article that I read in the Wall Street Journal.

For those of my 5 friends that are actually reading this, feel free to post a comment with your thoughts/questions/ideas of what you would like to see on this blog.


  1. I would like to see a little Snell on the site.. sex it up a bit

  2. If you write, it i'll read it Bob! ...I do like where snell's head is at tho. I am pretty excited to see the first blog has made it on, this is a big step.

  3. I'll see what i can do. We may be looking for more contributors. I'll keep you posted.

  4. YAY Bobby... I have a blog too! I am a follower!
