PeopleOfWalMart.com follows the same formula as TFLN and Fmylife, but has taken it a step further by integrating photos. While the photos are hilarious and the main aspect of the site, it isn't complete without the hilarious captions below each photo. Hopefully this isn't your first time hearing about this site. And if it is, please skip the rest of this blog and go directly to the site now!
This site is so amazing/hilarious that is was recently featured on the Fox Business channel
Below is one of many hilarious posts on PeopleOfWalMart.com
Holy Cat Lady
I hope she plans on filling the rest of the cart with air freshners! Seriously though, what has to happen for you to decide you want a mullet, a flannel, and 3,472 cats to hang out with? If Mackenzie Phillips doesn’t have a house full of cats, then you can’t possibly have a good reason to either.