We have all seen the iPhone commercials that highlight the many amazing apps (applications) for the iPhone. It is truly a remarkable device that seems to have no limits. I don't care what phone you own or where your smart phone loyalty lies, you can't not be impressed with the iPhone.
With that being said, I have discovered an amazing BlackBerry tool that I hope other BlackBerry users or "CrackBerrys" will try out. It's called TetherBerry and it's an application that you can download on your BlackBerry. TetherBerry allows you to connect your BlackBerry to your Mac or PC laptop and receive an internet connection through your phone. It works anywhere as long as you have a signal on your phone. I have only tried this on my MacBook Pro, so I'm assuming it will work just as well on a crappy PC.
I realize that tethering is also a feature on the iPhone but there are a couple of major differences. First off, AT&T has yet to offer tethering to iPhone users in the U.S. Secondly, when it does become available, you will most likely have to pay an additional monthly fee to use this feature. This is not the case with TetherBerry.
TetherBerry has released a Beta version that will be free to use for 7 days, after that you will have to fork over $50 (well worth it in my opinion), to get the full version. The $50 is a ONE-TIME fee for the application and won't be a monthly charge. For those of you who travel or take your laptop everywhere you go, this is a must-have for your BlackBerry.
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