Don't throw away that Tivo just yet, but pay close attention to what's happening in the world of Hulu. Hulu is a website that streams TV shows and movies on demand from many national networks such as NBC, Fox and most recently ABC. Hulu makes it possible to view many hit shows that you may have missed when they were initially aired. The site is funded by brief advertisements within the videos which are a fraction of the commercials you'd see when watching the show during it's original air time.
Hopefully this isn't news to you and you've experienced the awesomeness that is Hulu. One thing you probably haven't heard of yet is Hulu Desktop. It's just like going to the website, but much more user friendly and much easier to navigate. Hulu Desktop is available for both Macs and PC's and is essentially an application you can access via the internet that allows users to browse through the many shows and movies Hulu provides. It is even remote friendly with both Mac and PC remotes.
Hulu comes to my rescue whenever I've missed the latest episode of the Office, 30 Rock, Friday Night Lights, Nip/Tuck, or Rescue Me. There are many other popular titles available on Hulu as well. With the ability to watch all of these previously-aired episodes online, any DVR service you're currently using becomes useless for viewing these programs. However, you may want to hold onto your Tivo for that big Iowa football game you're going to miss due to work.
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