I hate buying bread. It is such a pain in the ass. I'm not above eating a sandwich for lunch (God knows, we are in a recession) and I am trying to make more of an effort to eat sandwiches. But the problem with eating sandwiches is that when I go to buy bread, IT EXPIRES TWO DAYS LATER!! How the hell are you supposed to accomplish that!? I have had a sandwich every day for the past nine weekdays and its already passed the expiration date! Don't tell me "Why don't you eat more than one sandwich a day?" Screw that. I like my food with some taste. Sandwiches are good but I like to switch it up. Eating a sandwich for lunch and dinner just is not an option.
I can understand a good loaf of bread for feeding a family but what about the bachelors and bachelorettes of this world? It is discrimination! I'm tired of a half loaf of moldy bread. This is a call out to the Wonder Breads, Sara Lees, and Pepperidge Farms of the world. When you are packaging your bread, put half in one package and the other half in another and sell it for half price! Is it that hard?
Rant over.